Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

the best dog in the world is now in heaven

that is all i wanted to say.

carpool diaries: torture device with wheels

Jeeps: fun in the sun, wheee when you're alone, or maybe with one other person, driving down the coast into the sunset.


I sit in the backseat of a Jeep for my carpool. The seats are straight up and down and it's impossible to lean back, much less rest your head on the "head rest."

The seatbelt cuts right across my neck, no matter how I sit. It tightens when we hit bumps, and doesn't loosen up. Every morning we hit one big bump which makes the 2 of us in the backseat go flying up, tightening the belt even more.

By the time I get to work, I can barely breath.

If you are considering being the driver in a carpool, I beg you... choose any other car but the Jeep. Do it for your riders. Please.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

carpool diary: crack of dawn

My carpool driver just sent out an email asking if we can leave a half hour early tomorrow morning so he can make a concert after work. THAT MEANS BEING PICKED UP AT 6:40 am.

No thank you.

So that he can make his concert, i lose money because i have to pay anyway, whether i ride with them or not? not cool.


Friday, November 6, 2009

what is going on here, world?

wow, i don't mean to be a bummer, but this is just today:






crawling back into a rainbow colored bubble filled with unicorns, goodbyeeeee.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

carpool diaries: in the middle

I drive in a carpool with 3 other people who work for my company. Carpools are weird. You're in close quarters with strangers. Usually car rides are more intimate...friends, family, your favorite music.

I won't disclose any information about my carpool partners, nor will I bad mouth them, because I am sure that they are all nice people. but, i do want to share some of the ..interesting...things I experience. Hence, the carpool diaries has been born.

My backseat carpool mate is quite small. however, she takes up an extraordinary amount of space for such a small person. For example, she brings empty boxes home almost every night. she puts them in the seat between us, and my arm is squished by cardboard. on top of this, when there aren't boxes in between us, she likes to sit really close to the middle because for some reason she likes to watch the road from between the seats, instead of looking out her own window.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Neko. Dreams. Sad Songs.

My mid-life crisis is in full swing. Is it too much to ask that my dog be cured of his cancer and that I find a job where I'm challenged, paid, and given the chance to further my career? I'm 40 years old, for god's sake.

sigh. sigh again.

in the meantime, I am searching for things that make me happy. There are some, believe it or not. Here's a few:



This doesn't make me "happy" but makes me happy I now I have a carpool, even if it does pick me up at 7 am.

TWEEDY got adopted! :-)

okay, i'm all happied out.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009


hi blog.

so, the wacko-ness don't stop.

check it.

Here's a wacko who kidnapped a girl(s?), and loves, loves, loves him some God. Yep. Seriously, here is one good reason I don't want kids. Kidnapping by a crazed religious nut. I can't think of anything worse.

Here's a pastor who thinks gays should be murdered. "Every gay he's known has been a molester." HMMMM. Most straight pastors have limited experiences with openly gay folks. I wonder where he has been hanging out while his young wife raises his brood of starkly white wonderbread children.

Here's a "politician" who thinks that it's a-okay to discriminate against those pesty homersexuals. (said with a snarl and a drawl).

but you know what? Linda Ronstadt is here to save the day. And, that is gonna keep me going today.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


people are nuts, but you already knew that, didn't you?

for example:

Another one of these stories.

Ridiculous men.

Disgusting man.

INSANE WOMAN HAS BABY, EATS BABY. "Not in her right mind" might be an understatement. (When are people going to have to take a mental health exam before breeding? I'd like to write the proposal for that law, I tell you.)

Tragic, and one of the reasons why I don't think I should ever have kids. Worst nightmare.

should I go on?...

well, I would, but my lunchbreak is nearing its end.

be careful out there....