so, the wacko-ness don't stop.
check it.
Here's a wacko who kidnapped a girl(s?), and loves, loves, loves him some God. Yep. Seriously, here is one good reason I don't want kids. Kidnapping by a crazed religious nut. I can't think of anything worse.
Here's a pastor who thinks gays should be murdered. "Every gay he's known has been a molester." HMMMM. Most straight pastors have limited experiences with openly gay folks. I wonder where he has been hanging out while his young wife raises his brood of starkly white wonderbread children.
Here's a "politician" who thinks that it's a-okay to discriminate against those pesty homersexuals. (said with a snarl and a drawl).
but you know what? Linda Ronstadt is here to save the day. And, that is gonna keep me going today.