Let me back up.
This woman lives across the street, and her house is on the corner of 2 busy streets. she has no fence, no front yard, but has a few bushes alongside her house, about 1 foot from the sidewalk. Of course dogs are going to sniff, and *gasp* maybe even PEE on these bushes. That's what dogs do. Now, I know that this woman is a freak about dogs peeing on these bushes, so I make sure to keep their leashes tight as we walk by, but yesterday Christina had Po'and before I could tell her about the CRAZY BUSH LADY, the woman started the yelling.
Let me back up a little bit more.
I noticed the video cameras months back. At first I thought it was a toy, and then I realized that there were 3, and they were all aimed at the bushes around her house. I was creeped out instantly. The cameras also can see the sidewalk, and this became apparent when one day, about a month or so ago, we were walking the dogs and I had stopped to tie my shoe. All of a sudden, I heard banging from the window of the house. I looked up and saw her face, the angry neighbor, and she was yelling and motioning for me to not let the dogs near her bushes. The dogs were not near her bushes, and I was bent over, tying my shoe. I looked at her like, "what??" and then her mean face disappeared. I was so angry by this...especially because I knew she had seen me through her camera. I was minding my own business on a public sidewalk and she had the gaul to yell at me?

Also, side note: my GTI was parked in front of their house for a week one time, while I was trying to sell it. This is where/when my car was keyed. I instantly suspected her...because her husband/manfriend usually parked in that spot. I still think it was her. And now...another neighbor's car has been keyed ...in front of her house. coincidence?? Hmm.
So, fast forward to yesterday.
When she came around the corner and yelled at me, my buttons were instantly PUSHED. Red alert. Do not yell at me as I'm getting in my car to go the peaceful, happy place called the dog park. Do not yell at me, period.
this is what transpired:
her, yelling: DON'T LET YOUR DOGS PEE ON THE BUSHES!!!!! (for the record, Po did NOT pee on the bushes!!)
me: You live on a street corner!
her: This is private property (pointing to the bushes) she starts to walk away.
her: (turns around) what did you say!????
me: THANKS FOR BEING SO NEIGHBORLY (and I meant it, this is exactly why our neighborhood sucks, because nobody is friendly, nobody says hi. this woman has talked to me 3 times in 3 years...1 time asking if I had seen anyone hit her car, and the other 2 yelling at me about her bushes)
her: Plant some bushes in front of your house and see how you feel.
me: I rent, I won't be planting any bushes.
her: (in a really mean, pointed voice) SEE, YOU DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!!!! (walks away)
I was furious. And since then, I have thought of a million different things I could have said or done. But, it is over. I need to move on, and hope she doesn't get even crazier on me. I am scared of crazy people.
And that is how my Sunday was ruined. Thanks for listening.
I told her...she needs to keep an eye on you!!!
Wow. What a fucking asshole! My blood boiled reading this entry. I wish you would have been much meaner to her. If you want me and Scott to come over and piss on her bushes, just say the word. Or maybe we should pee on her front door! I know. We can take turns peeing all along the perimeter of her house, until she has cameras mounted in a full crazy-lady circle. Woo!
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