Remember him? The nutjob that ran for president? yeah, him. Anyway, he doesn't think there should be "hate crime" laws. Why?
He doesn't think people should be punished for "thoughts." His brilliant examples? Say someone hurts a grandma or a child...he doesn't think that's any different than someone being targeting for being gay.
Well, i think he's an idiot.
This Brooklyn man was killed BECAUSE HE WAS PERCEIVED TO BE GAY. And because he had brown skin. Two "reasons"... I wonder what Huckabee would say about this?
or this
or this
or this
or this
or this
And, for the whiny religious right and cry-baby mormons who are blubbering over glue in a lock and graffiti, you can just shush. Shut it. Zip it. You look ridiculous with your claims of violence and riots. When people are being killed for who they are, and you perpetuate this "difference" and inferiority...you are partially to blame.
Did i mention i have a headache?
1 comment:
huckabee (said with redneck southern drawl, heh heh) sure looks gay in that there photo you posted...heh heh.
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