SJ and I have been talking about buying a house for a while, but you know...we live in San Francisco...and you have to either: have a trust fund, have a job that pays $100,000/year (each of you), have a death wish (to move into an "affordable" area), or not care if you live in a 400 sq. foot place in a building in the Tenderloin. None of the above apply to us.
With the market how it is, we've decided that this is the year. 2009 = a house of our own. We've given up on SF, looks like E.Bay here we come!
We drove around a bit last weekend, checking out neighborhoods, because really, every street has its own feel. And, we've been perusing the internets.
It's funny, when we put in the price range ($200-$400,000) we are interested in, BOY do the choices dwindle. It appears that the
homes we want are about $300,000 out of our price range. Ha ha. Well, we both believe that if we really look, and have a good realtor helping us look, maybe, just maybe we can work it out.
Here are some things we've been seeing:
There are
these condos with yards. $300,000 for 800 square feet, and shared walls? not so sure.
There's this
adorable little house on Peralta street.

Seems perfect. But, if you look at the street view of the google map...

That's what you see across the street. :-(
There's this cute place in Oakland Hill/Mills area:

But, "up and coming neighborhood" smells like "you don't want to walk around here at night" to me.
There's this
really cute house, but where the hell is Gold Links Rd?
Wayyy out there.

There's this cool house in Berkeley.

It even has over 1000 square feet. i wonder if it has a roof?? And of course, it is almost $400,000. ouchie.
And, this
looks almost hopeful.

It even has a red door!
Well, the hunt is on. Watch out, e.bay, the lesbians with pitbulls may be coming to a neighborhood near you!