so, here we go...
This is really cool. Were you at the Inaugural? Are you sure? Look for yourself here! I hope you weren't picking your nose. Boy, that photo machine sure is powerful.
Want to make a statement about Bart Police? This tee could do it.
This is very, very sad. I never knew Paco the pit, but had seen pictures of him, as he was the Paco behind Paco Collars. RIP little dude. And, to his parents...our hearts break with yours.
Peanut Butter mildew. Just writing that makes me a little pukey. Maybe I will throw away that peanut butter i have at work that I bought at the janky-ass Foods Co. across from my work. I actually bought a jar of Goober...what was I thinking?!!!
This story is just too bizarre (watch the whole video). What are the odds? And, no more Monster Truck Rallys for me, I tell you! (that won't be too much of a sacrifice).
Any dog named Stains is automatically awesome. A dog named Stains who stares at cupcakes...Hot Slut of the Week.

Disneyland is not always the happiest place on earth. (my managers, take note. Disney training can only get you so far.)
And, last but not least. The house hunting is back on. Slow and steady wins the race. We're just starting to look. Check THIS out. Cute, huh? I think we're going to go check it out.

until later. peaceoutbye.
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