Mutant man-eating catfish that have developed a taste for human flesh because they eat corpses! Yes!
"The Human Bot Fly lays its eggs on a horsefly or a mosquito, something that will attempt to land on a human. This carrier finds a human and lands on him or her. The eggs rub off onto the human, whose body heat hatches the eggs. The larvae drop onto the skin and burrow right the fuck in. Where they live. Under your skin. Eating"
this photo, because I think Tyra may be the opposite of smiling with her eyes:

This story, aka worst nightmare.
Santa Claus.

And, finally, here's one scary thing that I actually dislike, and am pretty sure she'd kill me in my sleep. Scarier than bots, flesh-eating zombies, brain worms, and bloody clowns...Sally Kern. ug. Watch a video of this scary, scary woman here.

So, tell me. what scares you?
My thoughts scare me after i read the shit that women like Sally "Bigot" Kern say about homosexuals. My thoughts scare me because sometimes I think I want to hurt people like her - which i know is wrong (and I wouldn't dare, I'm not that stupid). But, is that why she thinks gays are more of a threat than terrorists and Islam? Cuz she knows we would want to perform a lobotomy while she is breathing alive in a morgue?
Okay, here's an idea - this doesn't even hurt her, it helps her. It'll make her more calm and passive: read this:
Walter Freeman, an American physician, with his colleague James Watts, performed his first lobotomy operation in 1936. He was so satisfied with the results that he went on to do many thousands more, and in fact began a propaganda campaign to promote its use. He is also famous for inventing what is called ice pick lobotomy. Impatient with the difficult surgical methods pioneered by Moniz, he found he could insert an ice pick above each eye of a patient with only local anesthetic, drive it through the thin bone with a light tap of a mallet, swish the pick back and forth like a windshield wiper and -- voilĂ -- a formerly difficult patient is now passive.
i will now and forevermore have nightmares about bugs burrowing under my skin and eating me. thanks.
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