What the F*** is in the air today? I actually went home from work around 10:30 this morning because my eyes were faucets, my nose a hose, and my sneezing really, really annoying to my coworkers AND myself. I drove home having to pee, so each sneeze was torture. I sat in my chair all day, feeling like I got the crap beat out of me. And, I looked really, really good...swollen eyes, red nose...like Santa after a whiskey binge.
Anyway, there are some good things to talk about today.
One, is that the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC is on right now, and even though I'm up to here (pointing to head) with politics, I find her show entertaining, and I'm really excited that an out lesbian is on TV. She's so intelligent and delivers her messages in such a calm, educated way, that even the conservatives on her show as guests are like, Oh, okay, smartie, you know your shite. Alex, I can see why you have a crush on her. She's pretty adorable in her nerdy way, EVEN with the overdone eye makeup. She seems a little more at home minus the shine, like here:

Another thing I'm enjoying quite a bit is Tina Brown's new website, The Daily Beast. It really is like a magazine, and I find myself going back to the site several times a day, poking around to see what's all there. And, there is a lot there...I haven't even scratched the surface yet.
Wall Street is bouncing back. Thank God! My portfolio was a mess. My personal worth had dropped like 498 points. I'm just kidding. That's the beauty of being poor...I can read headlines about the stock market turmoil, and it doesn't stress me out.
And finally, there's this great new No on 8 ad:
Apparently Margaret Cho and Molly Ringwald are also going to be featured in No on 8 ads...can't wait to see that! Do you think Molly will do her cute Molly Ringwald dance in her commercial? I can only hope.
1 comment:
rachel maddow having a show of her own is a blessing from god. i have been madly in love with her ever since i first saw her on the keith olberman show. did you see her on letterman? did you know she was a rhodes scholar? did you know her partner is an amazing artist? sigh.
you get used to the makeup eventually. did you see her on jay leno? she was awesome.
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