How to capture the feeling of walking down Market Street surrounded by thousands and thousands of people of all colors, ages, and flavors..all of us expressing our anger, hurt, dismay, disbelief that our state, and the people in it, would willingly discriminate and TAKE AWAY our rights...well, I can't really capture that in words. But, I can try: inspiring, motivating, nourishing, validating, powerful, emotional, and loving. (oh, and my sign was a hit)
The Mormon Church is scared. They are frightened. They are "disturbed". And I'm glad. (ARE YOU READING THIS MORMON CHURCH?)
What the hell do they expect? They pour in millions of dollars to a POLITICAL issue and they really thought nobody would notice and fight back? We are fighting back....and we are smarter than they are, and our beliefs are actually based in reality, not in magic undies.
Check this out. Rachel Maddow talking to Princeton Political Professor Melissa Harris Lacewell and race and prop 8. The professor makes some good points. I'm torn, because I think the no on 8 campaign did a really good job with the resources they had, but I think we all learned that we have tons of work to do in minority communities. We assumed that racial minority groups would understand our cause and our fight, and we were wrong. Religion and fear overrode any sense of compassion and understanding. And that needs to change.
Last night on the local news, they talked to Bill May, from Catholics from the Common Good. Of course, he whined and cried about how the gays were unfairly targeting religious groups (waaaaa!!!) and at the end of his whiny sad little speech, he did something very, very interesting. He basically said, "why aren't they targeting the 7 out of 10 black voters who voted Yes on 8?"
See what he did? He totally pointed the finger. They love this shit, those religious bigots. They love to judge, enforce their judgments on others, encourage other groups to judge, put alot of money into taking away others' rights, and then when they are called on it, they start to panic, cry, call foul, and point fingers. It was so blatant!! He was like the stupid kid in the schoolyard that pushed someone down, and in this case, he is pointing to the black kids saying THEY DID IT. It was sickening. The religious bigots love to see the divide of the minorities, and they are encouraging it every chance they can.
Okay, sorry for the rant...but it's been an emotional few days. Lots of anger. Lots of disappointment.
And tons of thinking.
ps. watch this. it's great:
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