First: A coworker of mine who i suspect is a homophobe. Today, he expressed that he didn't want to go see Milk at the Castro because he's "SCARED" to go see it in the Castro. Scared of what, he didn't/wouldn't say. He wasn't talking to me by the way, and I think he forgot a big ol' scary gay was sitting behind him. Anyway, I shouldn't expect more from this person because he is always walking a weird "almost offensive" line. Today he teetered, and I was there to hear it. Notes have been taken.
Moving on:
I used to think
Pamela Anderson was kind of cute. Not so much anymore. Why does she always look like a coked up racehorse?

Speaking of coked up.
Mickey Rourke's face. gone wrong. Watch the slideshow, it's fun.

All wrong:
vandalizing cars. WTF is wrong with people?
I can't decide, is
THIS is wrong or cool? But serious, WHAT is 3480 (7 photos down). An alien? Suri as a pup? A sloth?
These people. WRONG!!!!! Why are they being celebrated, as they bring pale child after pale child into this world? Hey, have you heard?...the world has enough humans, and we killing off all the animals. I would definitely rather be thrown into a pack of polar bears than hang out with this pack. By the way, it's pretty funny...when I saw the title of the article on my igoogle page, I seriously thought it said, "How the Duggars are Dealing with the New ADDICTION."

They ARE addicted. Can someone please call the cool bald guy from Intervention and plan to meet the family at a hotel somewhere? They are not only hurting themselves, but everyone around them.
I don't care what the
NYT says, I still hate "staycation."