Wednesday, February 18, 2009

back from the flu bed

(see monster link for artist info)

finally. that was a killer flu. eegads. anyway, moving on.

We made another offer on a home. A green craftsman. Really, really nice on a cute street. Our chances on winning the bid? Um, probably 76 to 1. Wish us luck.

things I'm seeing today:

Cool monstery kind of creatures!

Another missing girl. A trailer. A teenage babysitter/girlfriend. AND 44 registered sexual offenders who live within a five-mile radius?? WHAT?

I hope Gavin squashes this beotch.

I love dolphins (almost as much as I love sharks). Here's a story of dolphin friends that warms the heart. Get better soon, little guy!

I think it's funny that this story has been on sfgate's homepage for 2 days. So, of course I had to go watch video from the Wife Swap episode. It's true, the dude's a douche.


I want to be rich, but not this badly.

Look at these photos! Little pittie pumpkin faces!

Gotta run. we have a 1:00 meeting today. WHO SCHEDULES A 1:00 MEETING?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1:00 meetings are inconvenient. We should do 12:00 instead next time. :p