update! signing house papers tomorrow and will know when the sellers will be out. GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!! hha. Remember Amityville Horror? Maybe we should put some flies in the house and drip blood down the walls.

Speaking of horror films, we (well, I) rented Midnight Meat Train the other night. It was...okay. I just got really annoyed when there was a fist fight. I hate fist fights in horror films.
In other news:
She's kinda pretty, but ...yeah, that's all.
This woman is rad (watch til the end):
question, however. Why the buzz around Katherine McPhee? is she still famous?
I also like how the papz are asking everyone about same sex marriage now. I feel so famous, it's like they're asking about me.
Be careful out there, gay friends. Maybe go somewhere where the Mayor is not a caveman?
This is for SJ, since she totally loves this woman. (snort snort) I thought getting married and having a few litters meant "forever." I am devastated.
This commercial makes me misty.
Please don't become Governor of my home state. I'll give you some sopapillas if you don't.
Warning, this might be the BEST MOVIE EVER MADE.
I know Perez Hilton is doing some good in the world lately by speaking up about gay rights, but even I don't LOVE him.
and last but not least...
why would you ever so much as think about linking to Kate is Enough? UGH!!!!!!!!!!
because you love her.
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