Wednesday, July 29, 2009


people are nuts, but you already knew that, didn't you?

for example:

Another one of these stories.

Ridiculous men.

Disgusting man.

INSANE WOMAN HAS BABY, EATS BABY. "Not in her right mind" might be an understatement. (When are people going to have to take a mental health exam before breeding? I'd like to write the proposal for that law, I tell you.)

Tragic, and one of the reasons why I don't think I should ever have kids. Worst nightmare.

should I go on?...

well, I would, but my lunchbreak is nearing its end.

be careful out there....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

new house.

i am in love with my house and don't want to ever leave it. we leave the doors open all the time and the dogs think they are at the Russian River. Anyway, blog, hopefully when we get settled in, I'll write stuff here. Until then, I'm going to walk around my house and touch the walls and stuff.