Tuesday, December 30, 2008

word clouds.

SJ forwarded this cool site to me.

Check it out...here's a few different ways to look at this blog:

and here's a word cloud of my favorite site. Can you guess what it is??

Monday, December 22, 2008

things that are wrong.

First: A coworker of mine who i suspect is a homophobe. Today, he expressed that he didn't want to go see Milk at the Castro because he's "SCARED" to go see it in the Castro. Scared of what, he didn't/wouldn't say. He wasn't talking to me by the way, and I think he forgot a big ol' scary gay was sitting behind him. Anyway, I shouldn't expect more from this person because he is always walking a weird "almost offensive" line. Today he teetered, and I was there to hear it. Notes have been taken.

Moving on:

I used to think Pamela Anderson was kind of cute. Not so much anymore. Why does she always look like a coked up racehorse?

Speaking of coked up. Mickey Rourke's face. gone wrong. Watch the slideshow, it's fun.

All wrong: vandalizing cars. WTF is wrong with people?

I can't decide, is THIS is wrong or cool? But serious, WHAT is 3480 (7 photos down). An alien? Suri as a pup? A sloth?

These people. WRONG!!!!! Why are they being celebrated, as they bring pale child after pale child into this world? Hey, have you heard?...the world has enough humans, and we killing off all the animals. I would definitely rather be thrown into a pack of polar bears than hang out with this pack. By the way, it's pretty funny...when I saw the title of the article on my igoogle page, I seriously thought it said, "How the Duggars are Dealing with the New ADDICTION."

They ARE addicted. Can someone please call the cool bald guy from Intervention and plan to meet the family at a hotel somewhere? They are not only hurting themselves, but everyone around them.

I don't care what the NYT says, I still hate "staycation."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not a good way to start, Mr. O

THIS is terrible news. Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California has been chosen to give the invocation at Obama's inauguration, the Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies announced today.
Boo!!! Hiss!!! This man is a bigot. See why I hate politics and politicians? Did we/should we expect anything more?

Well, I think it's time to change. Don't you?

Anyway, here are some random ramblings of the day...

We've finished Season 2 of Mad Men. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I loved that show!! I feel lost. Hold me!

The Dog Whisperer has never been so annoying.

Things were so good in 1983.

Snuggie. What's wrong with a good old fashioned robe?

Criminals are fun! ha ha ha! What's UP with silver guy? Oh, and they call the woman who dressed up like a cow and peed, a man. Moo, hello, she has no horns.

Even God's wives are being affected by the recession.

I agree with this list, except, what the hell is Plumbjack?

The story of a gay Muslim. "I want to be a part of my family," Aliyah says. "But what is the price that I have to pay? Honestly, I would rather die than go back to that person I was."

okay, must go watch Top Chef. bye!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the flu and huckabee

i have the flu. or something. anyway, my head really hurts, and i think i will blame this headache today on Huckabee.

Remember him? The nutjob that ran for president? yeah, him. Anyway, he doesn't think there should be "hate crime" laws. Why?

He doesn't think people should be punished for "thoughts." His brilliant examples? Say someone hurts a grandma or a child...he doesn't think that's any different than someone being targeting for being gay.

Well, i think he's an idiot.

This Brooklyn man was killed BECAUSE HE WAS PERCEIVED TO BE GAY. And because he had brown skin. Two "reasons"... I wonder what Huckabee would say about this?

or this

or this

or this

or this

or this


And, for the whiny religious right and cry-baby mormons who are blubbering over glue in a lock and graffiti, you can just shush. Shut it. Zip it. You look ridiculous with your claims of violence and riots. When people are being killed for who they are, and you perpetuate this "difference" and inferiority...you are partially to blame.

Did i mention i have a headache?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Love for sale.

Now available...kisses, sunshine, and roses. The sweetest cuddler you'll ever find.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

best and worst

let's start with the best thing ever.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


this is RAD too.

and this is pretty cool.

now, back to our regularly scheduled crappiness..

SUE THE KATHY-LEE-GIFFORD-PANTS OFF OF THEM. I hope they close the place down for good. All of them.

All three of these people give me nightmares.
This is family values, right Prop 8 Yessers? Nice married folks. Yep.

This is sad. and mysterious.

and that's about all i can handle today. bye!

Monday, December 1, 2008

welcome to December.

Oh, this is too bad. A hater AND a cheater!

Way to go, wedding crashers!

Again, love her.

Here, Ellie. Here's all you need to know about GEM SWEATERS.

Scars are HOT.

Houses that "probably need work!"

Look at all of the colorful flags!

The last member of Team Rainbow is still cooking.

This looks rad!

Who wants to adopt the cutest little underbite?

and last but certainly not least, it's World AIDS Day.