Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Wedding Day!!

To my relationship idols.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

excellent things today

This picture i came across, that could be added to my previous scary santa blog:

The fact that Princess is going to be available for adoption soon. Yay!!!

Madonna & Guy's wedding contract.

A sign I believe in.

A cool Yeti.

Tina Fey didn't want to meet Caribou Barbie. (we knew that)

Melissa Etheridge's homo family.

And, the secret is revealed. The explanation of Frito Feet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i'm not a phone person, but...

Last night I went with my friend Corso to the No on 8 headquarters in the Castro, and volunteered in the phone bank. I was quite nervous, never having done it before, and a little scared that people may say mean things and I wouldn't know how to deal with it.

However, the experience was awesome. Looking around the crowded room and seeing folks of all sexualities, ages, and colors, was totally inspiring. The room was abuzz with positive energy. I really felt like I was part of a historical movement to create change.

Only one person I talked to said that they were voting yes. The other people I contacted were very supportive, and some were downright awesome.

"I can't believe we have to fight for this," said one older man, "it's like we're in the stone ages!"

I concur.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Lots of dogs remind us of our pups, but this takes the cake.
This guy's name is Luda.

check it:

we may need to get these two together for a photoshoot. if we can wake them up...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

i woke up hopeful today.

Not sure why, but here are some good reasons:

This great letter to UCSF's Synapse paper. What a great story about adoption and acceptance.

Pug puppies at the shelter that I got to visit (thanks Jordan!):

This bumper sticker on a car outside of my work. It was on a Chrysler 300 or some stupid car like that, and I have a feeling someone other than the owner stuck it on. No matter, it's awesome:

This Caption The Photo from dListed, the best website ever. The last caption makes me laugh really hard!

Looking at old pictures from our trip to Australia last year. Me, with some native wildlife:

and this video starring some faces from the past:

the girl that shoots moose. ha!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i feel sorry for these people.

angry. bitter. trying to make themselves feel better by trying to withhold rights for others. truly pitiful.

and, uh, Ginger, honey. it's pretty obvious what your inner demon is all about. And, for the woman with the CHANGE shirt...isn't it ironic? don't you think?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Work Sucks! Scary Santas! and other things making me happy today

The other day at work, my coworker was telling us about this book: Why Work Sucks: and How to Fix It. She brought in a copy this morning, and I have to say, the more I read from it and from Cali and Jody's blog (the authors), the more I feel like screaming, YEAHHH!!!!!!! HELLLZ YEAHHHHH!!!!!

The main ideas:
• Changing the focus from hours to outcomes; ROWE: Results-Only Work Environment
• As long as you meet your objectives, the way you spend your time is up to you
• No mandatory meetings or fixed schedules
• You get paid for your work, not your time

and, here's an excerpt from one of their blogs:
* When I grow up, I want to be shamed for taking an hour and 20-minute lunch.
* When I grow up, I want to sit in traffic for 2 hours every day to go to my gray cube of happiness.
* When I grow up, I want my boss to tell me when it’s okay for me to spend time with my family.
* When I grow up, I want everyone to stare at me and shake their heads when I get into the office at 8:45.
* When I grow up, I want to ask permission to go to the doctor.

How did we get to this place where we have little to no control over these things? How did we get to this place where we have no say over how we spend our time from 8:00 to 5:00?


you know what else I love? The horrified looks of children as they are placed on a stranger's lap! Haaaa!!

I came across this today, and I have to say...i guffawed quite a bit. There are over 200 terrified tots photos, make sure to check them all out. Here are my favorites:

Uh, I think that last one is considered ASSAULT ON A CHILD, no? And the second from the bottom...I can't look at that kid without laughing out loud. seriously. It's the best photo I've ever seen.

This morning, my favorite website ever posted this picture:

Can you guess the lovely gay couple? Click here for more pictures. HA! that is some funny shite. The gay on the left is kinda cute.

So, you know that Madonna broke up last year, but I still managed to find this tape recording somewhat interesting.

Listen to it...Madonna was actually a human when it was recorded, not the muscular robot she is today. She giggles and laughs...amazing!

is something worth checking out (I'm talking to you SJ).

AND, I think that's all in the happy/good news department today. I just came across a ton of headlines that don't quite fit the title of this blog, so I'll stop while I'm ahead.

happy tuesday.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

trout pout. and more!

I'm feeling random. Here are some things that have caught my attention today:

Pete Burns, the lead singer of Dead or Alive, is going to receive money from the plastic surgeon who apparently turns his lips into a "TROUT POUT." "Since the disastrous treatment by Dr Maurizio Viel, Mr Burns has undergone more than 100 further operations by specialists in Italy in an attempt to correct the damage, but has said he fears he will always be disfigured." I just have to wonder, did Pete come up with the term Trout Pout, or did someone call him that?

Husband kills wife because of Facebook. Damn that Facebook!!! "The couple had separated four days before the murder in February and Forrester later told police he had been provoked by his wife changing her marital status to "single" on her Facebook entry, the court heard."

In lighter news. Check out the Loverslead, the "leash for lovers." Ha, that's kinda funny and kinda dumb. (thanks to The Daily Beast's Buzz Board for this)

This is funny. Thanks to two of my friends who have shared that with me. As you can see by my blog's main picture, I truly appreciate it.

This is a fun game, and hopefully will never be a reality.
North Koreastan...ha ha ha.

HERE, this is for everyone who didn't think Ellen was doing enough for No on 8. Now, go back to fighting the real enemy, gosh darn it.

Posh is sporting my hair------>

and last but not least, check out this awesome No on 8 video:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Princess diary: the follow-up

So, if you read my previous blog about Princess and her puppies, there is a second part to the story.

I ended up writing the shelter's deputy director an e-mail, asking for more information about the decision to euthanize Princess' puppies. She wrote me back and today I went to the shelter to meet with her. I'm glad I did, because 1. it was a personal challenge; I hate confrontation and this was hard for me and 2. I received more information and had a good talk with her.

I'm not going to say that I now think it's the greatest thing ever that the puppies were euthanized, but I did get some clarification about the different levels of complication that led to the decision. Such as:

1. Princess and her mate were surrendered by their owners, and these people's grandmother said she would take responsibility for the male, and perhaps also Princess, but not the puppies. This may not happen for sure, but if a dog has a chance to go back to the owner, that is the shelter's first choice. So, the decision was made to euthanize the puppies to better the chance of this situation happening. That I understand, because Princess is the priority here.

2. There is a major lack of foster homes right now. Sometimes dogs from our program do go to foster/rescue, but finding a place to take puppies...very, very hard.

3. The housing crisis/economic crisis has resulted in more and more dogs being owner-surrendered. This is causing a strain on the shelter as a whole.

4. Being in the shelter with puppies is hard on a dog, because that means they will be in there for at least a few months.

So, I do feel some closure. I feel good that I questioned this decision, and it was good to get the whole story. Like she pointed out, and I already knew, these decisions aren't made lightly, and this decision was the result of many layers. And it just reiterates my point that human irresponsibility started this whole chain, and it is the dogs that suffer. I wish that every backyard breeder could spend a day at the shelter, and maybe they'd realize that their stupidity and greed very often results in a death. Or 6.

Princess. Now it's all about her. There is something very, very special about this little girl, and I will do my very best to do whatever I can to help her find a good home if her owner (the grandma) does not claim her. In my heart, I don't want this, but have to believe that she will be okay if that is the end result. But, if there's anyway she can go to someone I know, or someone that I know will love her like she deserves, then I will be one happy human.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

this is for everyone who has ever asked "are you going to breed her?"

Sometimes things make no sense, and that's especially true when it comes to the decisions made at the shelter at which I volunteer. I don't run the place, and I try my best to focus on what I am there for...making the dogs' lives a little bit better for that moment...but sometimes decisions are made that I don't agree with.

Princess came into the shelter on a SNAFF violation. She was heavily pregnant, and was taken away from her owner, along with an unneutered male, because they weren't fixed. It is SF law that a pitbull has to be fixed...and I actually agree with this law. I'm sick of people breeding dogs for their own greedy purposes. And, guess what happens to the puppies when stupid people don't know how to take care of them/abuse them/dump them, etc? That's right...they end up at the pound, are labeled "high risk dogs" (something I think the shelter is not handling correctly), and are passed up repeatedly by potential adopters for cute, little fluffy dogs. (There are several pits in the shelter right now that have been there for months.)

Anyway, Princess had her puppies. Good news, right? Well, no. Someone in the shelter decided that the puppies would be...I don't know for sure...unadoptable, I guess. I believe that the decision was made due to the money needed to care for these puppies through their babyhood, into their "available" age. If I'm wrong, please prove me wrong. This is just my opinion.

So, the puppies were put to sleep. Princess was not. I don't know what is going to happen to her...will she be returned to her owners after she is fixed? I hope not, look how they treated her to begin with. Will she be rescued by a rescue group? I hope so. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met. She crawled into my lap and wouldn't leave my side the entire time we spent together. Will she be put into the "availables" to sit next to Huggies and BabyFace, hoping that someone will see past their reputation and "higher risk dog" warning?

But, how terribly cruel, to take away her puppies. She is heavy with milk, and was looking for her babies.

So, if you think it's okay to breed your dog, remember that 6 babies were put to death because they were pitbulls. Six babies were deemed unwanted, right from the start.

The next person who asks me about Puddin: "are you going to breed her?" I may punch you in the nose, really really hard.

Six times.

Monday, October 13, 2008

sneeze. repeat. sneeze. repeat.

What the F*** is in the air today? I actually went home from work around 10:30 this morning because my eyes were faucets, my nose a hose, and my sneezing really, really annoying to my coworkers AND myself. I drove home having to pee, so each sneeze was torture. I sat in my chair all day, feeling like I got the crap beat out of me. And, I looked really, really good...swollen eyes, red Santa after a whiskey binge.

Anyway, there are some good things to talk about today.

One, is that the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC is on right now, and even though I'm up to here (pointing to head) with politics, I find her show entertaining, and I'm really excited that an out lesbian is on TV. She's so intelligent and delivers her messages in such a calm, educated way, that even the conservatives on her show as guests are like, Oh, okay, smartie, you know your shite. Alex, I can see why you have a crush on her. She's pretty adorable in her nerdy way, EVEN with the overdone eye makeup. She seems a little more at home minus the shine, like here:

Another thing I'm enjoying quite a bit is Tina Brown's new website, The Daily Beast. It really is like a magazine, and I find myself going back to the site several times a day, poking around to see what's all there. And, there is a lot there...I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

Wall Street is bouncing back. Thank God! My portfolio was a mess. My personal worth had dropped like 498 points. I'm just kidding. That's the beauty of being poor...I can read headlines about the stock market turmoil, and it doesn't stress me out.

And finally, there's this great new No on 8 ad:

Apparently Margaret Cho and Molly Ringwald are also going to be featured in No on 8 ads...can't wait to see that! Do you think Molly will do her cute Molly Ringwald dance in her commercial? I can only hope.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

scary things.

I like scary things, unless they are going to kill me in my sleep. Things like.....

Mutant man-eating catfish that have developed a taste for human flesh because they eat corpses! Yes!

"The Human Bot Fly lays its eggs on a horsefly or a mosquito, something that will attempt to land on a human. This carrier finds a human and lands on him or her. The eggs rub off onto the human, whose body heat hatches the eggs. The larvae drop onto the skin and burrow right the fuck in. Where they live. Under your skin. Eating"

this photo, because I think Tyra may be the opposite of smiling with her eyes:

This story, aka worst nightmare.

Santa Claus.

And, finally, here's one scary thing that I actually dislike, and am pretty sure she'd kill me in my sleep. Scarier than bots, flesh-eating zombies, brain worms, and bloody clowns...Sally Kern. ug. Watch a video of this scary, scary woman here.

So, tell me. what scares you?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

sanctity–holiness: the quality of being holy

What was it that Tina Fey said, as Palin, in the awesome debate "parody" the other night? Something like, "And I think marriage should be between two unwilling teenagers..."
Man, that made me laugh.
And, I've been thinking about the sanctity of marriage. You know, what if she's right? What if marriage is holy, and should only be reserved for those (one man and one woman) who are joining together in a union that no gay person could understand. Something sacred, that results in children (the more the better) and a big family that drives around in an SUV and eats a lot of fast food. So, I started looking around the internet, and found some really touching pictures of straight couples that really illustrate the point that marriage should remain "traditional" and "as God intended." Here is what I found:


Sweet huh?

Wait, what's that? You're trying to tell me that none of these couples are together anymore? How can that be?! God wanted them to be together. Forever and ever!!
I feel so confused! I thought that these couples were holy and sacred.

What's that I hear? Oh, church bells. And guess what? they're not coming from City Hall.

Vote no on 8.
Even if you're straight. Even if you don't know any gay people. Even if you don't understand homosexuality.

the end.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"pitbull palin" and other bad news

The headlines today were about as lame as the day itself. Don't get me started, because I didn't like today and had a hard time mustering the CARE gene at work.
This is what I saw today:

is it any wonder I feel depressed? And to top it off, one of my favorite shelter dogs is back behind bars (let's hope she is taken away from her insane, cruel owner for good), they were out of coffee at my work cafe at 3:30, I had to talk about copy at 4:55 pm, Intervention is a repeat tonight and Puddin' has really bad gas.


Here's to drinking beer at 7:00 in pajamas and saying goodnight to the bad day. Goodnight!