The other day at work, my coworker was telling us about this book:
Why Work Sucks: and How to Fix It. She brought in a copy this morning, and I have to say, the more I read from it and from
Cali and Jody's blog (the authors), the more I feel like screaming, YEAHHH!!!!!!! HELLLZ YEAHHHHH!!!!!
The main ideas:
• Changing the focus from hours to outcomes; ROWE: Results-Only Work Environment
• As long as you meet your objectives, the way you spend your time is up to you
• No mandatory meetings or fixed schedules
• You get paid for your work, not your time

and, here's an excerpt from
one of their blogs:
* When I grow up, I want to be shamed for taking an hour and 20-minute lunch.
* When I grow up, I want to sit in traffic for 2 hours every day to go to my gray cube of happiness.
* When I grow up, I want my boss to tell me when it’s okay for me to spend time with my family.
* When I grow up, I want everyone to stare at me and shake their heads when I get into the office at 8:45.
* When I grow up, I want to ask permission to go to the doctor.
How did we get to this place where we have little to no control over these things? How did we get to this place where we have no say over how we spend our time from 8:00 to 5:00?
you know what else I love? The horrified looks of children as they are placed on a stranger's lap! Haaaa!!
I came across
this today, and I have to say...i guffawed quite a bit. There are over 200 terrified tots photos, make sure to check them all out. Here are my favorites:

Uh, I think that last one is considered ASSAULT ON A CHILD, no? And the second from the bottom...I can't look at that kid without laughing out loud. seriously. It's the best photo I've ever seen.
This morning, my
favorite website ever posted this picture:

Can you guess the lovely gay couple? Click
here for more pictures. HA! that is some funny shite. The gay on the left is kinda cute.
So, you know that Madonna broke up last year, but I still managed to find
this tape recording somewhat interesting.

Listen to it...Madonna was actually a human when it was recorded, not the muscular robot she is today. She giggles and laughs...amazing!
THIS is something worth checking out (I'm talking to you SJ).
AND, I think that's all in the happy/good news department today. I just came across a ton of headlines that don't quite fit the title of this blog, so I'll stop while I'm ahead.
happy tuesday.