Sometimes things make no sense, and that's especially true when it comes to the decisions made at the shelter at which I volunteer. I don't run the place, and I try my best to focus on what I am there for...making the dogs' lives a little bit better for that moment...but sometimes decisions are made that I don't agree with.
Princess came into the shelter on a SNAFF violation. She was heavily pregnant, and was taken away from her owner, along with an unneutered male, because they weren't fixed. It is SF law that a pitbull has to be fixed...and I actually agree with this law. I'm sick of people breeding dogs for their own greedy purposes. And, guess what happens to the puppies when stupid people don't know how to take care of them/abuse them/dump them, etc? That's right...they end up at the pound, are labeled "high risk dogs" (something I think the shelter is not handling correctly), and are passed up repeatedly by potential adopters for cute, little fluffy dogs. (There are several pits in the shelter right now that have been there for months.)
Anyway, Princess had her puppies. Good news, right? Well, no. Someone in the shelter decided that the puppies would be...I don't know for sure...unadoptable, I guess. I believe that the decision was made due to the money needed to care for these puppies through their babyhood, into their "available" age. If I'm wrong, please prove me wrong. This is just my opinion.
So, the puppies were put to sleep. Princess was not. I don't know what is going to happen to her...will she be returned to her owners after she is fixed? I hope not, look how they treated her to begin with. Will she be rescued by a rescue group? I hope so. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met. She crawled into my lap and wouldn't leave my side the entire time we spent together. Will she be put into the "availables" to sit next to Huggies and BabyFace, hoping that someone will see past their reputation and "higher risk dog" warning?
But, how cruel...how terribly cruel, to take away her puppies. She is heavy with milk, and was looking for her babies.
So, if you think it's okay to breed your dog, remember that 6 babies were put to death because they were pitbulls. Six babies were deemed unwanted, right from the start.
The next person who asks me about Puddin: "are you going to breed her?" I may punch you in the nose, really really hard.
Six times.
That's fucked up. It unmade my day.
i'm sick to my stomach. what a disgusting error in judgement.
Only six times ? Make it an even 10 - for me. Or call me and I'll add 4 myself.
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