Monday, November 3, 2008

stomach knot

My nerves are frayed.

Between worrying about Princess (aka Dandelion) finding a good home and wondering if the right wing bigots will dictate the laws about marriage...I'm just hanging in there. Now would be an excellent time to have a prescription for anti-anxiety drugs.

This weekend we volunteered for the No on 8 campaign. All was well and good until the neighborhood drunk found us and started a slurry sermon about procreation and "not letting your parents down." (issues?!) Then he started calling me a fag. Which, is fine. Overall, people were really supportive, and it gave me hope.

Part of me wants to crawl under the sheet with a bottle of Pimms for company until Wednesday morning.

Anyway, here are some things that caught my eye today:

Best Wild Animal Photos of 2008 Announced.

Cheap flights.
seriously cheap.

Some people have too much money.

This is a pretty good look at the anatomy of a rally.

Today's Dlisted Caption This contest photo.

EW. ew. ew. that is not bread.

that's all i can muster right now.
vote tomorrow. we're not going down without a fight, drunk stupid man. you can count on that.

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