i need help. it's my neighbor. let's ignore for a minute the fact that he: wears a bluetooth but doesn't have a job, watches his wife mow the law because he is too lazy to do it himself, drives 2 large vehicles that match the color of his house, goes outside in his wifebeater (all wrong), and spends most of his time making sure his vehicles are parked in front of his house. Those things are bad enough, but here's the kicker.
Because someone lives in his garage, he doesn't park either large vehicle inside..both are in the street, like most everyone's car (because most of our neighbors have their garages as illegal inlaws). So, here is what he does:
He parks one of his vehicles parallel, across his own driveway. Which is fine, right? However, because his vehicles are long, they go beyond the space of his driveway, and into both the street parking spot to the left, and to the right of his garage. IE, he takes up two spaces. Now, this is not by accident. He does this to SAVE a parking spot for the other car, when his wife has it out. He saves a spot ON THE STREET.

So, while other people are cruising around, trying to get a parking spot somewhere near their house, this good-for-nuttin is taking up two spaces. This bothers me so much, because often I can't park near my house, and it burns me up that he's inside, in his wifebeater, pretending to be talking on his bluetooth (he never is talking on his bluetooth, it is just on his ear), while I (and others) are parking up the damn hill or down the block.
Sometimes, just to piss him off, I will wedge the Ribbit right behind or in front of him, barely fitting in. I can't really do it in the space right behind him because there is a crosswalk. Also, i don't like my car too close to his. it will get cooties.
QUESTION: does anyone know if this is illegal (taking up two spots)?
I really hate to waste my blood pressure medication on this guy and his pig-headedness, so I'm asking...does anyone have any advice? I've already left a polite note. It was totally disregarded. And once I asked him verbally to move his car up. Oh, and one time I did spit on his car. I'd had a few drinks. But, he does this shite all the time, and I'm kinda fed up.
Reason #4 to move out of city = my dumb neighbor and his ridiculous vehicles.
not illegal, just dick. although i think it is illegal to park in front of a driveway, even if it is your own.
city parking sucks
uh, this is brilliant!! i may have to copy:
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