The day started with a little sleeping in. This, of course, occurred with some interruption. At 7:00, the dogs demanded to go out, and then to be fed, but I crawled back into bed until 9:00. (they crawled back into bed too). Then, it was off to the dogpark, and a nice morning walk up at McLaren. We ran into a dogwalker and many dogs, and Ms. Puddin' had very nice greetings. (she's learning how to say hello properly...with a butt sniff instead of a face rush). A very, very cute gray and white pitty wanted our treats, and jumped up and down like she was on springs. So cute.
Back home, we had a little bit of time before we started a little trip down to Stanford/Palo Alto, to see my dear friend Ana. Ana and I met when I was in college, writing for the Daily Lobo, UNM's daily paper, for a journalism class. I had the International Student Beat, and was clueless about how or where to start. Someone recommended that I contact Ana, a student from Yugoslavia that was involved in the International Student Union. She was my first interview and I was a nervous wreck. When Ana walked in, I was a bit mesmerized by her accent, smarts, and of course, her beauty and beautiful personality. We ended up becoming friends, though losing touch here and there after I moved. I was thinking about Ana a few weeks ago, and googled her and found her email address. She answered my email right away. It turned out that Ana, her husband Tomas, and their 2 year old boy, Oscar, were going to be in Palo Alto for a wedding, so we made plans to meet up. So, today, SJ and I drove down to meet them for lunch.
It was great to see Ana and Tomas, and for them to meet SJ. Oscar is a doll, just like I knew he'd be. He speaks bits of Serbian and his favorite movie is Willie Wonka (the original). We had a nice lunch and it was just really nice to hear about the great things happening for them. They deserve it all. And, if we ever move back to Albuquerque, I'm going to volunteer to babysit that little cutie bug.
And now, we're home. It's 8:00 and I have my pajamas on. I'm eating a turkey burger, drinking a wine spritzer, and am watching The Sound of Music. It's been a good day. The end.
What people are saying:
"Thumbs up. Way up. I highly recommend days like Saturday the 30th. It was a feel-good day, and the characters were warm and real. I really felt happy during this day, and if all days were like Saturday the 30th, it'd be a much better world."--Judi, life reviewer

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