When I'm being followed by cameras into a Motel 6, I'll know that it's time for my intervention from the show Intervention. (Have you noticed that they almost always have the intervention at some crappy chain motel off the freeway?)
So, did you watch it last night?
She was a pre-med student on her way to becoming a surgeon, but the trauma of being molested as a child and her parents' brutal divorce haunted Allison. She started to inhale computer dust remover, which is potentially fatal with each breath. Her erratic behavior and absence from classes got Allison dropped from the pre-med program. Allison is currently inhaling up to ten cans of dust remover a day. Can interventionist Jeff help Allison and her family?
Well, I won't ruin the end for you. But, I just have to say...for the first time, I almost felt like the addict in the show was kind of acting. I don't want to downplay the seriousness of addiction (or abuse) in any way, but this girl would act so over-the-top loopy when she huffed her computer dust remover (I know, what?) that she seemed to be a character from Saturday Night Live. Maybe that's what dust remover does...I don't know...but it was really weird. Now, it is never appropriate to laugh during this show, right? Right. But a few times I was expecting Allison to stop and look at the camera and go "i am totally kidding you guys." And the laugh track would bust out.

AND, all I could think about was Blue Velvet, as Allison carried her can around and huffed in between sentences.
Frank goes to Dorothy and kneels down in front of her. He takes one more
gasp of helium.
(high voice)
Baby wants blue velvet.
Dorothy opens her robe and gives a part of the robe to Frank.

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