I was watching the olympics last night and happened to catch the story about the 33-year old woman who is competing for Germany. She used to compete for the Soviet Union, but ...well, you can click here for the whole story.
Anyway, I think it's amazing. She's 33! She's competing against girls that are 16 (but look 10!). I was a little surprised to read her story..and to learn that she's married with child. COME ON! don't deny it...you were surprised to hear that she is...ahem, married...too. Yes, you were. You were just too polite to say it.
I don't want to sound mean here, but is it just me, or do most of the gymnast's bodies look a little strange. I think all of the muscles on the short frames just make them seem like...well, like PO! That's it. Po is a gymnast. Can't you just see him on the parallel bars, with his stubby, muscular legs holding up his short little body? I can.

And, has anyone else noticed how cute Alicia Sacramone is? Just wondering...

but, only if puddin' is a rhythmic dancer....
what about the boy gymnasts? why you gotta be a hater? intriguing fact: the three guys competing for USA on the pommel horse are all from different ethnic origins - Russian, Chinese, Indian - like the beautiful patchwork that is America.
i am talking about a boy gymnast! Po!
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